Visit our dentist for regular oral cancer screenings
Around 54,000 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with oral cancer every year, and for just over 10,000 of those people, the disease will lead to fatalities. Because the initial symptoms of oral cancer can be difficult to detect, you should visit our dentist for regular oral cancer screenings in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Dr. Sandra L. MacDonald and our team use the VELscope® oral cancer screening system, which uses a special light, to locate potential oral health issues that might otherwise be missed. If you have noticed something out of the ordinary with your smile, call 508-830-3339 for your appointment.
We are dedicated to providing regular oral cancer screenings to protect your overall health
Oral cancer includes cancers of the lips, mouth, tongue, cheeks, throat, sinuses and hard palate. Oral cancer is one of the more easily treatable cancers, but only when it is caught in its earliest stages. However, most cases of oral cancer are not detected until they have progressed into more advanced, serious stages and become highly difficult to treat. Like any cancer, oral cancer can be life-threatening. Because of this, we are dedicated to providing regular oral cancer screenings to check for disease and get you the necessary treatment to protect your overall health. This screening will usually take place during your regular dental checkups with our dentist and team.
If you are experiencing any of the below symptoms, we encourage you to reach out to our dentist and team as soon as possible for an appointment:
The following are the most common symptoms of oral cancer.
Contact our office today!
Our dentist and team will check for these symptoms during every screening to help ensure you and your smile stay in good health. If you have any questions about oral cancer, we encourage you to contact us today.