Our dentist and team offer implant-supported restorations
Replacing missing teeth obviously has a great deal of cosmetic value, but you need your teeth to do more than help your smile look its best. They also help you eat and speak properly and maintain good dental alignment. Our dentist and team offer implant-supported restorations in Plymouth, Massachusetts, to help you get the most out of your dental work and your smile. To learn more and schedule your visit with Dr. Sandra L. MacDonald, call 508-830-3339 today. At our office, we can see you for implant-supported dentures and bridges.
Discuss the alternative to full dentures
If you wear full dentures, you may start to experience discomfort if you have them in for a significant length of time. They may also have a tendency to slip or float when you eat or speak and may need to be held in place with denture cream. You might be ready for an alternative but would like to avoid the cost and surgery involved with a complete set of dental implants. If this sounds familiar, talk with us about implant-supported dentures. They are similar to conventional dentures, except that they fit on four to six dental implants. This feature gives them stability, and in many cases, your current dentures can be used.
What are implant-supported dentures?
Dental bridges are held in place by attaching them to crowns or caps on the teeth at each end of the gap in your smile. Implant-supported bridges are, as the name implies, attached to dental implants. In addition to providing greater comfort, strength and stability than a normal bridge, implant-supported bridges are easier to brush and floss.
Contact our office today!
Implant-supported restorations are a great alternative for regular dentures and bridges. They provide a greater degree of stability than conventional restorations, look and feel completely normal, and allow for the return of normal function. The implants help strengthen your jawbone and, with the proper care, will serve you well for life. To learn more about implant-supported dentures and our team's restorative dentistry, call or visit our office today.